Yvonne Rand Selected Articles

Laughing Buddha, Goat-In-the-Road, Philo, CA. 2007. Photo - Deborah Clearwaters.
Cultivating Beginner's Mind

Yvonne Rand offers two practices for bringing us into the Buddha space of Beginner’s Mind.

Muir Beach, CA, 2004. Photo - Kathryn Sylva.
A Teacher’s Responsibility

An ethical and effective teacher of the Dharma has responsibilities to her students and to herself. In this talk, Yvonne presents her understanding of what the teacher owes to her students. She also includes some advice to students seeking a teacher. 

Jizo, Goat-In-the-Road, Muir Beach, CA. 2004. Photo - Kathryn Sylva.
Jizo Ceremony

Yvonne gives a brief description of the Jizo ceremony she developed to assist those who suffered loss from the death of children, born and unborn.

Pond, Goat-In-the-Road, Philo, CA. 2006. Photo - Kathryn Sylva.
The Buddha’s Way and Abortion: Loss, Grief, and Resolution

Yvonne presents the development of her own view on the topic of abortion. She describes and explores how the Jizo ceremony influences this view and how it may contribute to easing the personal and cultural suffering associated with abortion.

Agnes Martin, “Untitled # 3,” 1993 Source: “Searchlight: Consciousness at the Millennium,” edited by Lawrence Rinder, (Thames and Hudson, 1999).
On Seeing: Bands of White and Graphite

Art often stimulates or jolts us into seeing what we ordinarily would only look at. But what is looking at? What is seeing? In this essay, Yvonne reflects on a painting by Agnes Martin that moves her to consider once again the differences between looking at and seeing.